
Portfolio by wordpress hosting.

1. Go to Dreamhost.com

2. Click Get Started.

3. Pick whichever you prefer, but recommend the cheapest $2.59/mo.

4. Sign up!

5. Pick a domain and register. Usually ".com" is cheap, but io, ml, is, kim are cool.

6. OR you can either start with free or set this up later.

7. Pick a plan.

8. Check Install WordPress.

9. Payment...

10. Go to dashboard.

11. Once it is set, you will get an email.

12. Go to www.your_website.com/wp-admin/install.php

13. Set your admin user by typing in username and password.

14. Go to www.your_website.com/wp-login.php

15. Now you have your wordpress website.

16. Modify theme, category, post, menu, pages and etc.



Use github pages

Last updated