Week 05
Functions: the basics
We have used functions before......
1. Function we are calling 'ellipse function" to make ellipse..
But we did not make/define this function as "ellipse(x, y, width, height){ .... .... ...}"
We are just using the function!!
2. Function setup started functioning when the page opens without calling it...
But we made/defined it.
Both are functions but it was either 'Defined Previously' OR 'Functioning before Calling it.'
These are library functions. It is done by P5js library. For example, tone.js is a musical library which has functions already defined by the developer, Yotam Mann
Function needs "Define" and "Call"
function setup()
We did not define:
But we called:
These are library functions... we are using p5.js library.
Let's 'Define' and 'Call' Your Own Function.
We made ball bouncing with ball object.
Here we have 3 functions:
Let's make with functions.
function move
function bounce
function display
Define and Call
Define functions:
Call functions:
Make a project with your own function.
Schedule for Next Week Thursday OR Friday
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