Intro to Computational Language
컴퓨터언어기초 (자바스크립트 코딩 기초)
Hello! ICL
This is an online syllabus for the 'Intro to Computational Language' so called 'ICL' class.
Processing has been a great tool for the media artists, creative technologists, designers, educators and etc. And here we have p5.js, a javascript library which promotes the same goal as the processing. It has come to this internet world because the web is to be alive forever.
At the browser, we have P5.js which welcomes you to experiment your intentions in media. A great thing about the P5.js is we have a youtube channel by Daniel Shiffman at NYU ITP. You can subscribe and easily learn p5.js, and even cutting-edge machine learning.
You can learn more about p5.js here. The great thing about the p5.js is that you can learn the mechanisms of the coding environment. Just like when you are learning a new language you learn how to use a dictionary, you can learn the mechanisms of how to learn a new computational language and eventually learn how to vitalize yourself from 'illiterate' to 'literate' in any language.
Introduction and Workflow(Javascript, Text Editor)
Introduction and Drawing
Animation and Variables, Interaction
If Statements, Repeat Loops
Functions: the basics
Objects and Arrays
Events and Callback Function
Video and Sound
Mobile and Chrome
After p5.js - Final Project Proposal 1
Web Socket and Node - Final Project Proposal 2
User Testing
Final Presentation 1
Final Presentation 2
Last updated